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Each year, it is recorded that about one hundred million sharks are slaughtered by people for different purposes. This number contains several of the earth’s most threatened sharks.
- The Pondicherry Shark
The Pondicherry Shark is seriously Threaten on and could well be extinct now. Even though it seemed to be plentiful in the Indian Area, it has not been seen since 1980. The shark has a gray body, white underside, and pectoral, second dorsal, and caudal fins that are black-tipped. Its population has been wrecked in the area by intense, uncontrolled fishing. It is now a concern for the IUCN to locate some living Pondicherry sharks. There are several facts about whale sharks that need to be learned, but perhaps the most common is that they are the biggest living fish on the planet Whale sharks can survive up to the age of a Hundred and grow to 42 feet in width. Whale sharks, through their gills, are filter eaters and sieve sea creatures for many of their nutrition.
- Whale shake
Consistent fishing is one of the causes for the drastic decline of whale sharks, frequently the targets of commercial fishing in warm areas Consistent fishing is one of the causes for the drastic decline of whale sharks, frequently the targets of commercial fishing in elevated areas While many industrial fisheries stopped in the 1990s and 2000s, their products remain important that is why they are still frequently harvested around the planet in some places. They are sometimes severely wounded and often killed by ship strikes due to their large scale, making this to be dangerous. While in certain places, such as Taiwan, India, and the Philippines, the killing of these sharks is prohibited, many fishermen proceed to kill this incredible animal. Without conservation action, its species will continue to decline. The species will proceed to disappear without preservation intervention.
- Irrawaddy shark
Based on one nineteenth-century museum specimen captured at the edge of the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar, Irrawaddy river shark species were named. The Irrawaddy river shark is an identical species to the Ganges shark, a current DNA research revealed. Irrawaddy males have a total length of 60 cm.
- Smooth back Angel
On the territorial waters and slope at depths of 20 to 330 meters, the Smoothback Angel occupies the Southwest Atlantic from Rio de, Brazil across Uruguay through Buenos Aries Area, Argentina. This animal, hence its label, is recognized for its smooth back. Along with its weaknesses to both trawl and fishing gear, its reduced procreative capacity makes it extremely vulnerable to species extinction. These are significantly threatened by overfishing and are presently on the IUICN list at CE ranking.
- Smoothtooth Blacktip Shark
The Blacktip Shark Smoothtooth is strong, has wide nostrils, tiny eyes with an increase in free membranes, and dark fins. They live across Yemen and Kuwait in small concentrations. They live across Yemen and Kuwait in low concentrations.
- Daggernose shark
It’s a little shark at adulthood, reaching around 2 meters. The warm waters around the south of Brazil and Trinidad comprise its environment. This shark possesses a lengthy and sharp snout and massive shaped pectoral fins. The IUCN reports that this shark has had a total decrease of close to 95 % in the last century owing to industrial fishing for its flesh and overfishing.
- Basking shark
Although in several places, the basking shark has been legally secured humans still kill it desperately for its fins. Some of the most popular shark fins in East Asia are basking shark fins. The basking shark can grow up to 40 feet in length. This huge, sluggish fish is the earth’s second-biggest fish after the whale shark.
- Porbeagle Shark
The Porbeagle Shark is an extremely valued mackerel shark for industrial fishermen and recreational purposes and it is one of the biggest sharks on the planet. Its meat is common, leading to uncontrolled overfishing that has caused this species to become almost endangered. Although this Porbeagle is internationally listed as threatened in the North Atlantic it is seriously vulnerable. Surprisingly, there were early action and a lot of preservation measures to ensure the protection of the species for the continuation of the species. In the North Atlantic, nevertheless, their figures have not increased.
- Striped Smooth-hound
A species of houndshark that can be seen off the Brazilian coast and Argentina is the Stripped Smooth-hound. They are famous for their distinctive striped backs and mature to a length of around 6 feet. The fishery in the environment of this demersal shark is severe in brazil. Fisheries have murdered almost all of this population’s parents and pups that they are currently Critically Endangered on the list of sharks at risk level There is a considerable worry at present about further reductions in the absence of sustainability and implemented management steps.
- The brown Shyshark
Brown Shyshark species are present in the Western Atlantic Ocean are below 1,000 km of coastline off the edge of South Africa They are a little flattened shark with a large face very long nostrils, and with a small popular. It’s very limited nearshore range suggests that monitoring of the species’ plenitude and the safety of its preferred habitat is crucial, as availability has not been measured and the risks to fishing are extremely severe. As a result of heavy human use, a persistent decrease in the condition of their inshore habitat is observed, meriting an evaluation of vulnerability.
- Dusky shark
There are significant species of large coastal and pelagic hot water. After a prolonged pregnancy Time, it is probably the slowest growing, new-maturing, carrying small pups, so unfortunately nature does not support the helpless status. To allow them to pass across the oceans, they have a slim, regular shape. Their eyes are strangely fitted with a defensive third eyelid. The fins are extremely prized and mostly used for fin soup, a local soup that puts them at stake in so many Asian countries. They are currently so endangered that researchers have predicted that restoring their population might take about 100 – 300 years.
- Sand tiger shark
It is often widely known as the Grey Nurse Shark, in the coasts of North and South America, South Africa, Japan, and Australia, across sandy coasts, continental shelves, and underwater habitats. They have sharp noses and, when they fully mature, can develop to 10.5 feet in length. In the United States and Australia, the Sand Tigers are secured
- Hammerhead
Described by its distinctive hammer-shaped head, in schools around 200, the scalloped hammerhead will often be included. They have seen population losses of around 96 percent during the last three decades, just like most of the larger aquatic animals Because of their elevated fin amount, hammerhead fins are often more prized than other fishes. For several factors, this species has presently been widely evaluated as important.
- Zebra shark
Because of its skin, fin, and fish oil, this lovely and distinctive looking fish is famous. The zebra shark is also prone to overhunting. It inhabiting the shallow waters around coral habitats. The zebra shark tends to grow to approximately 8 meters and its light skin has a lovely design of black lines.
Sharks are crucial to the oceans’ environment and so it is incredibly necessary that we care about these sharks that are threatened and what causes their deaths, so maybe we can work collectively to seek a cure as it is unfortunately not due to nature.